Denise Reynolds, Psy.D.
Transitional Care Management, LLP
Below are new client forms. If you are coming in for a first visit, and would like to complete these forms prior to your visit, it will save you time. Also, it will allow us to have more time during the visit to discuss what you would like to work on in therapy.
Intake Form - this form helps Dr. Reynolds get to know you, how to contact you, and what you would like to work on in therapy

Informed Consent - this form lets you know what to expect in therapy, describes fees and confidentiality, etc.
Insurance Form - this form only needs to be completed if you will be using your insurance company to pay for services.
Release of Information- this form only needs to be completed if you want Dr. Reynolds to have communication with other parties (e.g., physician, psychiatrist, family member).
Privacy Policy - this is your private health information.

Privacy Policy